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10584The call to reject globalism and embrace patriotism echoes loudly in upcoming U.S. elections hence Donald J. Trump forged international tie ups to create prosperity, peace and security for the world. He resists Radical Islamic Terrorism and suspends refugee’s resettlement from the world’s most dangerous regions. He initiates to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem to acknowledge Israel sovereignty over the Golan Heights which present his principled realism, he also brokered four Middle East Peace deals where the NATO allies agreed to pay $400 billion more in defence spending and convinced localities to promote and support him in the upcoming US elections in 2024. Under Donald Trump presidency the nation will restore its standing in the world and American leadership all around the globe.
Donald Trump is working passionately for the care of our Veterans, he has passed the biggest reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs in a generation, including V A Accountability and VA Choice and sue 11500 federal workers who failed to provide quality and timely first aid to the wounded warriors who were bleed during Washington politicians poured precious American blood and treasure into misguided military adventures overseas and died waiting for medical care at home. President Trump decreased veteran homelessness, increased educational benefits, and achieved record-low veteran unemployment. We will fight to serve our veterans with better care and benefits than ever before.
Donald J.Trump fought vigorously to expand charter schools and selection of schools for the students of America. He secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities; he cut federal funding for the schools or programs pushing Critical Race Theory or gender ideology on the children. Under his administration the Open rights investigations started into any school district engaged in racism or any discrimination. Donald Trump will reward states and school districts that abolish teacher tenure for grades K-12 and adopt Merit Pay, adopt a Parental Bill of Rights, and implement the direct election of school principals by the parents.
Donald Trump made a historical change by appointing nearly 300 federal judges to interpret the constitution as to preserve the extraordinary vision of our founding fathers. He appointed strong constitutionalists to the U.S. Supreme Court who will ensure to uphold Law equally and without political Prejudice for the nation's citizens. Donald Trump nominate highly expert and qualified prosecutors and justice who believe in enforcing the law instead their political agendas.